TEMPO.CO Imagine a time when you no longer need to issue a credit card or money to pay for your purchase. Simply present your palm and the transaction was in progress. Or driving a car while reading a book and eating a salad that completely sterile because grown in the laboratory. This is only a small part of life in the future is the focus of attention Fujitsu in developing future technologies.
"We want to continue to innovate and expand in Europe and developing countries," said Masami Yamamoto, president of Fujitsu Limited, the roundtable event with several journalists from various countries, including Tempo, on the second day of the Fujitsu Forum 2014, the largest annual technology exhibition company the building, which was held at the Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 15-16 May.
After successfully creating a K Supercomputer, fastest computers in the world today, Fujitsu is now trying to face three major challenges in the digital world: Big Data (large waves of information that is often forgotten), Cloud Computing, and Human-Centric Intelligent Society a better future life well, where people can feel the peace and security by applying information and communication technologies in various aspects of life.
That picture of life in the future is in sight, from the change in orientation of the company, the digital ecosystem, to the interconnected world of information and communication technology-based. "That's a radical change of life that we have to face soon," said Yamamoto.
Moreover, analysts from the United States, Vernon Turner, said in 2020 the world will be filled by about 30 billion (some are estimating about 50 billion) of connected digital devices. That's why, from now forming intelligent society needs to be done. In 2030, the world will be populated by about 8 billion people, 60 percent of which are in urban areas, as predicted by the United Nations.
When various digital devices are connected and sharing, the new value in society is formed. "When that happens, the brand company can no longer rely on a single product," Yamamoto said. "It is true that put a company logo on a smart phone, for example, is a direct communication with the consumer interaction. But, in the interconnected world, the hardware can no longer stand alone and must be supported by the software. It becomes very important to build a new society. "
For example, if someone is injured as a result of traffic accidents. In a society that is connected to the data center, rescue workers, ambulance, police, and doctors have access to the database in real-time. They quickly find out how the traffic conditions at the scene, what the symptoms experienced by patients, which hospitals have the best medical equipment adequate for this case, and so on. The goal is of course to reduce the time that is not wasted, as well as costs, and especially in giving the best service to save the lives of victims. That is just an example of how technology is applied in one aspect of life.
Appropriate Technology
In the future, Fujitsu also prepare a technology that has not been unimaginable today, such cars are equipped with a camera around and the computer to prevent accidents or allow drivers to access traffic data. Thanks to the installation of the camera driver can easily know the conditions around the vehicle, exactly as done by Google in the smart car concept.
In the field of information technology, where Fujitsu is the leading Japanese and the second in the world in terms of revenue after IBM, one of the technologies that are currently in the testing phase is authentication through the blood vessels in the palm of the hand. If the current machine is able to recognize the presence of one's identity through fingerprints, the technology being developed Fujitsu is recognizing a person's identity through the blood vessels in the palm of the hand.
This is possible thanks to the development of microchip mini 5 millimeters in diameter. Interestingly, the identification can be done in just two seconds of the recorded database of 10 million. "So, our self is our identity. No need to carry credit cards or identity cards we each leave the house, "said Masayuki Kato, Head of Research and Development Strategy And Planning at Fujitsu Laboratories.
In addition, there is also a technology that is useful for parents called Ultratech stick. This smart stick but can show direction because it is equipped with an LCD screen, also can monitor the user's health conditions and behavioral habits. There is also a smart necklace for pets. This necklace is very useful to monitor the health condition of pets. "This necklace has been sold to the public, but can only be worn on the dog," said Kato.
Other future technologies of interest is the eye detector. The sensor is sensitive enough can read the direction of the person while shopping in the supermarket. The information obtained is then recorded. Information in the form of how long the person staring desired goods and any goods purchased. Such information is very useful to determine the marketing strategy of any goods that became the target of consumers.
In addition, these technologies can record the habits and behavior of the consumer and stored in the database. When these people go into a store, the screen in front of the door will display promotional items that often he bought at the store. The information displayed will be different for each visitor, according to the data that has been recorded previously.
All that would not have happened without the Big Data. "We realize what the people's attention, especially privacy," said Yamamoto. "But the future is like that. You will share almost all the available information. If the company wants to remain competitive in the future, they should focus on things like this. And we want to put a man on the Fujitsu as the center of technological innovation. "